Our Services
Structural Design and Drafting
Inkpen Engineering provides a full complement of drafting services for all our design projects such as: development permit drawings, building permit drawings, design basis/approval drawings, construction drawings, fabrication drawings, minor architectural details, and as-builts.
Assessments and Reports
With the increasing demands of a changing economy our clients are often faced with the challenge of rising up to meet an expanding marketplace. Often times this involves increasing equipment capacity beyond current limits. Inkpen Engineering is able to offer a variety of structural assessments and reports to assist our clients with economical and customized solutions to meet these needs.
Structural Inspection and Certification
Structural inspection and certification of cranes and lifting devices is a requirement under OH&S regulations. We offer our clients timely and economical inspection and certification programs on a wide variety of cranes and lifting devices such as: runway systems, overhead cranes, jib cranes, monorails, gantry cranes, davit cranes, below-the-hook (BTH) lifting devices, specialty designs for custom fit applications, man baskets, crane anchorage and foundation systems.
Engineered Lift Plans
From time to time it may be necessary to lift loads that are in excess of the rated capacity of the crane and runway system. This is most notable for new construction or major repairs and retrofits. CSA B167 and ASME B30.2 allow for such “Planned Engineered Lifts” provided they are designed and supervised by qualified personnel. Inkpen Engineering can assist you with your Engineered Lift requirements and provide expert and professional advice for all your lifting needs.
About Us
It is the mission of Inkpen Engineering to be the first choice in Structural Engineering design and drafting services and be known for unparalleled commitment to our customers, versatility of capabilities, and exceptional quality of work. We are a dynamic solution based company providing quality service to our customers. We succeed by delivering engineering solutions that reduces costs and adds value for our customers. As part of our "Success by Design" approach, we incorporate the expertise, technology and innovative solutions necessary to address even the most complicated engineering issues.
Inkpen Engineeing institutes safe work practices by setting and maintaining the highest possible safety standards. This objective not only keeps our employees safe, but ensures our clients can be confident that their projects will be completed with an emphasis on safety excellence. Inkpen Engineering ensures that all employees complete their responsibilities while complying with all applicable laws, industry standards and safe work practices relating to workplace safety.
commitment to our customers
versatility of capabilities
exceptional quality of work
A Message From the President

Todd Inkpen P.Eng
Inkpen Engineering is an Edmonton based structural engineering firm with a broad foundation of structural design experience incorporating a variety of construction materials and methods. We pride ourselves on being “hands on” engineers and you will often find us in the field with a tape measure and note pad because we believe in order to arrive at the best solution you must first fully understand the problem. We strive to identify potential problems and provide practical solutions during the planning phases, thereby eliminating costly construction changes. We welcome the opportunity to produce cost effective solutions to unique problems and include prudence, timeliness and economy among our founding values.
Our end goal is to combine proven engineering knowledge with common sense construction practices to provide a final product that is economical, constructible and fit for purpose. We utilize our “success by design” approach and work with our clients to find the best possible pathway to success. Our future depends on it.
Inkpen Engineering institutes safe work practices by setting and maintaining the highest possible safety standards.
Bsc. Civil Engineering Memorial University of Newfoundland
Practicing member of APEGA, APEGBC, APEGS, APEGM, PEO, NAPEG